About Ottawa360Cam.com

The objective of this site is to bring Ottawa area recreational, leisure, travel and local news together into an easily accessible pleasing website format.

Hidden gem is a term frequently used by Ottawa residents to describe local area recreational areas, parks and leisure facilities. The city does a good job within its website format to provide information on City managed facilities and services. However, there is currently no website that brings all the available information together into a single webpage format.

A Google search for example for the Kanata Walter Baker Park provides a list of sites with fragments of information. Until you look at the www.Ottawa360Cam.com site which is also listed and provides links to the City Leisure Centre information page, the Kanata theatre with playhouse banner information. And also includes related Wiki’s and transit links, a Google Street view all within an attractive park pictures and slideshow webpage format. The Ottawa360Cam.com format also facilitates an opportunity to showcase local information, activities, talented groups and individuals. The Andrew Haydon page is a good example of this.

Toronto and Quebec City information has been added because they are of interest to international travellers and can be easily included into an Ottawa area vacation along with Ottawa Valley Township day trip destinations.

Technical Information

For the best viewing experience we advise using the Chrome browser. It can be installed in seconds via the Google Chrome web page. It's currently the fastest most reliable feature rich browser available. In contrast Internet Explorer restricts users with unnecessary pop-ups and has poorer graphical capabilities. Mozilla Firefox suffers from video media related crashes. We have been supportive of Firefox up to recent times, however firefox has periods when it is prone to repeatedly crashing.  Non of these issues are related to the coding or presentation of this site.

This site includes high quality video that requires a reasonable level of user bandwidth and a well maintained PC to enjoy. Some lower definition media clips have been included. If you are still experiencing difficulties viewing content contact your Internet provider for assistance. Also ensure that your system is not over loaded with unnecessary software programs and that system maintenance tools are regularly run.

Best Wishes,

Mark Jago.





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